Camping Grimbergen, with its registered office at Veldkantstraat 64, 1850 Grimbergen, undertakes to respect and carefully comply with the European privacy legislation AVG (General Data Protection Regulation)¹ on the protection of personal data. These regulations apply from 25 May 2018. Personal data will be treated in accordance with this legislation.
Camping Grimbergen only processes personal data to comply with a legal obligation or if provided for the performance of an agreement. By doing so, you expressly authorise Camping Grimbergen to process your personal data for the purposes intended. Personal data is only processed in secure environments and systems. These are not open to the public. All our employees are also given clear guidelines and made aware of how to handle and process your personal data.
Camping Grimbergen guarantees that :
Your rights as a data subject
Questions about the processing of your personal data or requests concerning the data we process for you can be addressed to the manager. This can be done by mail addressed to Veldkantstraat 64, 1850 Grimbergen, or by sending an e-mail to We undertake to answer your question or request within 20 working days.
If you believe that your data is being processed unlawfully, you can also contact the CBPL (Commission for the Protection of Privacy) also known as the Privacy Commission at any time, using the e-mail address
¹ Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Veldkantstraat 64
1850 Grimbergen
+32 (0)479 76 03 78
Adres: Veldkantstraat, 1850 Grimbergen
Neem afrit 7 Grimbergen op de ring 0 rondom Brussel.
Volg de Brusselsesteenweg tot aan het station (3de stoplichten)
Sla vervolgens rechts af op de Wolvertemsesteenweg tot aan de 2de verkeerslichten.
Sla dan links af in de bestemmingsstraat en na circa 800m vind u de ingang van de camping aan uw rechterzijde.
Er staan gele borden met vermelding “camping“ langsheen dit traject.
Address: Veldkantstraat, 1850 Grimbergen
Take exit 7 Grimbergen on the Ring 0 around Brussels.
Follow the Brusselsesteenweg to the station (3rd traffic lights)
Turn right on Wolvertemsesteenweg until the 2nd traffic lights.
Turn left into Destination Street and after about 800m you will find the campsite entrance on your right.
There are yellow signs marked “camping” along this route.